Group Care 

Our Programs are based on a trauma-informed, developmental and relational model of group care and include activity programming, life skills, group work, educational support and family support. Child and Youth Care Workers use a variety of approaches to teach and promote positive change in the lives of our children, youth and families. Intervention is individual based on the specific needs of the children, youth and families and occurs in the context of a planned environment and the use of daily life events for therapeutic purposes.

Our Programs provide accommodations for males and females, ages 8-18. The goal of these programs is to provide a therapeutic residential milieu to children, youth and families, who are in the care of Children, Seniors and Social Development to help foster their development into responsible productive, self sufficient, well rounded members of society. These programs operate from a psycho-educational model attempting to meet the physical, psychological, social, developmental, emotional, cultural and spiritual needs of the children, youth and families.

Phase II is a program for adolescents with specialized treatment needs. The goal of this program is to provide a therapeutic residential milieu to young people who are in the care of the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, to help foster their development into responsible, productive, self-sufficient, well rounded members of society. This program operates from a psycho-educational model attempting to meet the physical, psychological, social, developmental, emotional, cultural and spiritual needs of the children, youth and their families.

Live-In Parent Model Program(s) is is a residential program for child and youth between the ages of 8-15 who are in the care of the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development. The program is staffed using a house parent model and is designed to provide a homelike, supportive, nurturing and therapeutic environment for children who are experiencing difficulties.

For further information, contact:
Jackie Kelly
Director of Group Care and Support Services

Jennifer Kettle
Program Coordinator
Gravity and Phase II

Kelly Hanlon
Program Coordinator
Pegasus and Relief Employees 

Natalie Bursey
Program Coordinator
Banyan and LIM 

Renee Broderick
Program Coordinator
Bay Bulls Road and Topsail Road

Jeff Gollop
Program Coordinator
Employment / Outreach

Waypoints Employment and Outreach Services provides individualized and group support services to youth, ages 12-30, who face barriers to education and employment. Waypoints staff support youth who are experiencing difficulties in their lives in areas such as education, reliable housing, and healthy lifestyle choices. Youth may also be at risk of substance abuse, contact with the justice system, or dropping out of school. Outreach support seeks to connect with youth and explore new opportunities and creative ways to build healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Youth are Working is a Skills Link project funded by Service Canada which provides exposure to life and employment related skills, practical work experience, and continuous learning opportunities. Using both group work and an individualized approach to personal and career development, program staff assist youth in developing their employment portfolio with the goal of preparing them for the realities of the workplace and the expectations of today's employers.

For further information, contact:
Hugo McCarthy
Manager, Employment and Outreach Services
23 Rowan Street in Churchill Square, St. John's, NL, A1B 2X2
P.O. Box 632, St. John's, A1C 5K8
709 738 3392
709 738 8755
Family Support
Waypoints Family Support Program offers a collaborative and holistic approach for providing support to families. Family Support workers engage with families in their life space through the development of therapeutic relationships and the use of trauma-informed interventions and activities. A major emphasis is placed on goal setting, strength identification, the promotion of competency, and capacity building


Supporting Foster Parents... 

Waypoints provides professional support and hands on intervention to Foster Parents. This program recognizes and respects the current skills and expertise of Foster Parents, including the PRIDE competencies. Foster Parents participate in the program voluntarily as it is designed to compliment existing skills and offer new strategies for ongoing personal and professional development. This program was developed in partnership with the Newfoundland & Labrador Foster Families Association and is funded by the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development. 
For further information, contact:
Natalie Ginn
Program Coordinator, Family Support Services

Parent Support and Education Group: focuses on areas such as child development, discipline, communication and self-care. The group meets weekly for 10 weeks, and is offered one to two times per year.
For further information, contact:
Jackie Kelly
Director of Group Care and Support Services

Renee Piercey
Executive Director
