
Waypoints is a non-profit charitable organization, our CRA Business Number is 13184 2387 RP 0001. We receive our core funding from the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services for our Residential and Family Support programs. Our Employment and Outreach programs are jointly funded by the Federal and Provincial Governments.

The following government departments, organizations, corporations, and individuals have been very generous in contributing to Waypoints:

Production Services Network (PSN) Eastern Health Department of Health and Community Services Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment Service Canada, National Homelessness Initiative, Provincial Wellness Initiative, Global SanteFe, Community Youth Network, RBC,  Husky Oil, and the National Crime Prevention Initiative.
Donations can be forwarded to:
P.O. Box 632
St. John’s, NL
A1C 5K8.
A tax deductable receipt will be issued for all donations.
For further information, contact
Renee Piercey